4D Chart v13

4D Chart Error Codes


4D Chart v13
4D Chart Error Codes

4D Chart Error Codes  



The following are the codes for 4D Chart error messages:

1Invalid 4D Chart area reference.
2Unable to load segment to complete operation.
3Invalid command number.
4Item disabled.
5Hot link was not found.
6Invalid 4D table number.
7Invalid 4D field number.
8Picture was not created.
9Invalid scope in CT AREA TO AREA.
10Source and destination areas must be different.
11Invalid scope.
12Invalid object ID.
13This operation cannot be performed on this type of object.
14Invalid object index.
15There are no selected objects.
16There are no objects in this document.
17Invalid file type.
18The version of this 4D Chart document is no longer supported.
19This 4D Chart document was created with a later version.
20User canceled the dialog box.
21Invalid hot link type.
22Adding to this hot link would generate recursion in the hot link chain.
23This operation would cause objects to be moved outside the document.
24There are no 4D tables.
25Bitmapped image too large.
26This operation would cause the maximum number of objects to be exceeded.
27There are not enough categories to create a chart.
28There are too many categories to create a chart.
29There are not enough series to create a chart.
30There are too many series to create a chart.
31Invalid chart type.
32Invalid chart sizing.
33Invalid field type for category.
34Invalid field type for values.
35Invalid array type.
36Multiple values.
37A hot link with that name and type already exists.
38Need at least one character.
39Invalid object boundary.
40Invalid corner rounding amount.
41Invalid RGB value.
42Invalid color value.
43Invalid color index.
44The Clipboard does not contain a picture.
45All values are out of range.
46Not in text editing mode.
47Invalid axis index.
48Invalid grid index.
49Invalid number of vertices for polygon.
50Invalid coordinate(s).
51Invalid object size.
52Object(s) specified do not have this attribute.
53File pathname exceeds 255 characters.
54Invalid field type.
55Does not apply to this kind of chart.
56Invalid value from the Clipboard.
57Invalid dimensions from the Clipboard.
58Invalid selection values.
59Could not initialize printer resources.
60Insufficient memory to allocate an offscreen area.
61Insufficient memory to use color resources.
62Invalid display item number.
63Insufficient memory to copy a text object.
64Invalid font.
65There are no selected records.
66Incorrect value for this type of chart.


Product: 4D Chart
Theme: Control Codes


CT Error